Saturday, July 24, 2010

Runaway Mouse

Paula discovered one of our plush animals, a greyish white mouse, a couple of metres outside the fence to the dog yard this Friday afternoon. None of the dogs have taken it for a walk outside, and certainly not to the part of the lawn where Paula found it. As far as I can tell, none of us could throw the mouse over the fence and that far, and why would anyone of us do? A plush animal cannot run away by itself, since it is actually an inanimate object. We just do not know how it got there. Is it possible, as Daniel suggested, that a bird may have mistaken the plush mouse for a real one and grabbed it as a prey, only to discover the mistake a little later and dropping the mouse outside the fence? I do not know, but I cannot think of a better explanation. None of us saw the mouse getting to where Paula found it, so we do not know what happened.

This will probably stay a mystery. There are a lot of unsolved mysteries in our world, so this is just one more on the list. Mysteries makes life more exciting, which is good. They also contribute to tell you that you cannot know more than just a tiny fraction of what is going on in the universe. I do not mind, that is life.

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