Monday, July 26, 2010


We have been notified of the passing away of a prominent Shiba Inu male, our friend Lucky. He had a back injury this spring that was eventually so bad that he could not take it any longer. Although he was a veteran, he was not very old, which makes the news even sadder.

I am sorry to say I did not know Lucky much. I know he was a friendly and honourable gentleman, just like a Shiba Inu male is supposed to be. This is the kind of Shiba Inu you would like to have known better. I also know he had numerous champion titles and that he has been prominent in the Shiba Inu breeding in Scandinavia.

If afterlife means reincarnation, as was the custom of our Japanese ancestors to believe, Lucky had already reached the highest incarnation possible by being born a Shiba Inu. I guess, in that case, Nirvana is next for him. If afterlife means Heaven, that is surely where he is heading.

Good luck in afterlife, Lucky!

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