Thursday, July 22, 2010

At Work

Hi, it is Polly again! (You may also say Karstuhl, if you have read yesterday's blog entry.)

I was at Daniel's work today. Most of the time, it was uneventful, even dull. Daniel was just sitting at his desk working with his papers and computer. Other times, people came by and said hello. They were very friendly to me, and I enjoyed it more and more, once I had gotten use to the attention.

The most exciting part, however, was when my aunt Suri came by. She is Mummy's younger sister, about a year older than I am, and lives with two of Daniel's colleagues. You could tell she was older than I am, she did not quite want to play the way a pup would, but she was very friendly and I believe she thought the same about me. I sent Suri's greetings to Mummy, my grandparents (who are also her parents) and the other dogs at home. It is interesting to meet relatives whom you have heard about, but never met before.

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