Thursday, July 15, 2010


I got angry with Blogger today. The Blogger blog service is normally a great free blog service, but today, it claimed that I had forgotten my password. I had to go through a number of steps to renew my password, and then it turned out that it is now necessary to have a password with at least eight letters or digits. So far, my password has had seven, but now I had to choose another password. I cannot understand why the Blogger people could not just have written that you would have to change the password to a longer one for higher safety, or whatever reason there is. Claiming that I would have forgotten my password is an outright lie. Nevertheless, it all turned out well in the end.

I went with Daniel to his work today. It was rather boring, Daniel just sat by his desk all day. This is what it is like to have a job at an office. I am glad there was a dog bed where I could lie while I took breaks from helping Daniel with his duties.

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