Sunday, October 10, 2010


Hello, Karstuhl here!

Today is a day with a funny date: 10/10/10 or 101010. It is the 10th of October (the tenth month of the year) in the year 2010.

I asked the older and more experienced dogs, like Mommy and Granny, if there were any special celebrations on dates like this. I have never experienced such a date before, but they have. There were 090909 last year, for example. They said, however, that this day was just like any other day. Daniel told me that sometimes, people sent letters on dates like this, because they liked the look of the dated stamp, but since it is Sunday he was not certain a letter or postcard sent today would get that date.

Well, I believe there is no bad cause to celebrate, so I suggested we would celebrate. We could also celebrate next year on the 11th of November and the year after on the 12th of December. The others were not so keen on this idea. They said it was no tradition. I have noticed that older dogs and humans often refer to tradition when they want to do or not to do something. Perhaps I will grow up to be just like them, but today, I thought they were too negative. I got to write a blog post about this, anyway.

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