Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Gone Forever

Hello, Karstuhl here again.

Mummy is very sad about the passing away of the old friend of the family, Kesshi. I cannot be as sad. I did not know Kesshi, I just knew of him. I do know Kesshis human Mia, Paula's sister, who was here yesterday. I helped comforting Mia. I also take a little pressure off of Mummy by writing the blog post for today.

As a matter of fact, I have a hard time relating to death as such. I am still just a pup, I have not lived very long, and I have never knew anybody whom I have lost in that way. The grownups say death is final, that you never come back. This sounds strange. They also say everybody will die, eventually. I am still not comfortable with that thought. It is not that I have considered life before me as an eternity, I just had not given life, eternity or death any thought at all before. I guess this will preoccupy my thoughts for a couple of days.

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