Sunday, November 21, 2010


Paula made some pirogi for dinner today. A pirog is a form of pie filled with meat and vegetables.

I looked it up on the Internet. There seem to be some confusion about the word in English. In one online dictionary, the plural form is pirogi in English. This is a little odd, since almost every word in english has a plural form that is an s-suffix. You would therefore think that the plural form of pirog is pirogs, but it is not, according to this dictionary. I also found this form in this dictionary. In another online dictionary, the word is pirogue (plural form pirogues) or piroshki. In Wikipedia, there were one article on pierogi, another on pirozhki, the former of Polish origin, the latter of Russian origin, but basicly it seemed to be the same thing.

Whatever these things are called, Paula's were very tasty.

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