Saturday, November 06, 2010

Commemorative Moments

This evening, I had the great fortune to get to go with Paula, Daniel, Paula's parents and her sister Mia to graveyards. This weekend is devoted to those who have left us for the afterlife. We had our thoughts on Paula's grandparents.

We also visited the place where Kesshi is laid to rest, and the place where Paula's very first dog, the Samoyed Hakkas, is laid to rest. Hakkas was important for all the coming dogs of Paula and Daniel, because he was the first and started it all. Auntie Linni knew him, but he did not get old and was gone when my Dad and my Mum arrived to Sweden.

It is good to have a special day for everyone to remember those who have left this life. Naturally, I was thinking of Kesshi, but also on Gertrud's father Gunnar, whom I knew and loved.

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