Sunday, September 20, 2015

Me on a Diet?

When I got to go home from the hospital, the veterinarian gave special dog food to Paula and Daniel for me, of two kinds. One kind of food was to gove me a better stomach, but this food was very high in energy content, so I got another kind of food that was a diet food. I am not over weight, but the vet was afraid I might become overweight with the first kind of food. The second, diet kind of food was far from tasty, however. There is another important point I have to make here, too. A Shiba does not do diets. Shibas are survivors, we eat proper food. Diet food is the antithesis of food you survive upon. Thus, I refused to eat the diet food part of the food Daniel gave me today. I am a Shiba, I do not do diets.

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