Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saving Mums

The Swedish Red Cross has a campaign in favour of mums suffering from armed conflicts throughout the world. I love my mum and I am a mum myself, so I have all the reason to feel for this cause. I could do what bloggers are asked to do on the page I link to: add a widget to my blog to collect money to this cause. However, as much as I feel for mums around the world, this cause is aimed at human mums. I will gladly link to the cause, but for me to add a widget and collect money myself, it would take a similar campaign in favour of canine mums, or canines in general. We are all closest to our own speices, aren't we? For me, causes in favour of humans are important, but not as important as causes in favour of dogs. If you, as my reader, is a human and has a blog, do not hesitate to add that widget to your blog. I will wait until there may be a similar campaign in favour of dogs.

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