Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bringing Stuffed Animals Outside

April is mean to our stuffed animals. Whenever she gets out in our yard, she wants to bring one of them, which she drops outside and leaves when she gets in. If Paula or Daniel does not see it, the stuffed animal has to lie outside in the cold until it is brought inside again. This is mean. What if she did this to real animals? Say that she had pups, and did this to them. Sure, stuffed animals do not have any more feelings than those we give to them, but I still think its cruel. Bad behaviour but she doesnt seem to understand why it's wrong to leave your friends out in the cold. Well, she is still very young and she has to learn.


Anonymous said...

Det händer att jag också lämnar leksaker ute. Det är för att jag vill bli gla av att träffa på dem nästa gång jag kommer ut i trädgården. Matte brukar skicka mig att hämta in dem innan jag får komma in. Jag kan tycka att hon är litet tjatig.

Daily Hailey said...

Det trodde jag inte om dig, Grus, att du vill lämna leksaker ute i kylan. April hälsar och säger att du måste vara en mycket intelligent och förstående hanhund.