Monday, January 15, 2007


Daniel worked today, Paula works tonight. They do all they can to earn money. I miss them when they are away, but it is good that they earn money so they can buy dog food and candy. One could ask whether it wouldn't be good if they would also buy us dogs something good to drink. We like some of the soft drinks they buy, but they always prefer if we drink water. Water is nice, but one recent event in Mum's home country shows that you can actually die if you drink too much water, at least if you are participating in a water drinking contest. On the other hand, I do believe any Shiba Inu is smart enough not to drink that much, regardless of the prize at stake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vatten är gott men jag håller med. Jag skulle inte dricka så mycket vatten oavsett pris.