Tuesday, October 31, 2006
We Will Move
Daniel and Paula finished the purchase of our new house today. We will move there in just a few days. I wonder what it will be like. The house is supposed to be about as big as where we live now, but we will also have a big garden to play in. There will be no neighbours disturbing us by using a common staircase. I believe it will be great in the new house.
Monday, October 30, 2006
We have a little taste of Christmas today, eating satsumas. It is a fruit I remember from last year, my first Christmas. I am bigger now, so I hope I will get more satsumas this Christmas. I certainly got more today than I did last Christmas.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Jiro Succeeds
I am both proud and jealous of my brother Jiro, but mostly proud. He became BOB, Group 1 st and BIS 2nd today in a big (albeit unofficial) dog show in his hometown Köping. It is wonderful, I wish I had been there to congratulate him. He was also elected the most beautiful dog in Köping.
It was a wonderful, sunny morning today. We did not take a long morning walk, however. We did yesterday, without Tiffy and without Mum, who does not like the long walks that much.
It was a wonderful, sunny morning today. We did not take a long morning walk, however. We did yesterday, without Tiffy and without Mum, who does not like the long walks that much.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
We have spent a lot of time today packing. We will move to our house soon. This is something we are all looking forward to, but it involves a lot of work. I wish we had already moved and had all of that work behind us. Then we could play around in the garden with clear consciences.
Friday, October 27, 2006
It is exactly one year ago today I made my first post in this blog. It has been a nice year while I have grown from a little pup to a young female. There have been times when I have thought that I would quit writing in the blog. I am sometimes disappointed when Paula says friends of her have had positive feedback on the blog which they have told her, but have not written in the excellent comment feature of the blog itself. I would be happy if more of my readers would comment my blog, this would help me knowing what to write more about and what not to write so much about. Please make a comment today!
I am also very happy that I am featured on the Internet in a photo album from the walk in the forest I participated in with Daniel's colleagues. My picture is on the lowest row, second from the right, of the first page. It is a great picture. Thank you, Ylva, for shooting and publishing it!
I am also very happy that I am featured on the Internet in a photo album from the walk in the forest I participated in with Daniel's colleagues. My picture is on the lowest row, second from the right, of the first page. It is a great picture. Thank you, Ylva, for shooting and publishing it!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
A Cut in a Finger
When preparing dinner tonight, Daniel sliced cheese, but since the cheese slicer was so slow, he slipped and cut himself. It was not a clean cut in the finger, but parallel to the skin and a small piece of the tip of the finger was cut off. The blood poured, but with the help of Paula, Daniel stopped it. He said it never hurt, as a matter of fact, Paula seemed to be more upset than Daniel. I was a bit upset too, it was not nice to see Daniel hurt.
If you want to see something nice, to get the picture of a cut finger out of your head, take a look at the present front page of our kennel homepage. There is a picture of me there, when I was five weeks old. Was I cute, or was I cute?
If you want to see something nice, to get the picture of a cut finger out of your head, take a look at the present front page of our kennel homepage. There is a picture of me there, when I was five weeks old. Was I cute, or was I cute?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I wrote about good things to eat yesterday and the day before yesterday, so I really had my mind set at writing about something else than food today. However, I changed my plan when Daniel and Paula decided to have sushi for dinner. Sushi, this great Japanese contribution to the culinary heritage of the world, one of the greatest things from Japan after the Shiba Inu. Unfortunately, Paula and Daniel love sushi just as much as I do, so they ate everything themselves. I think this was a bit cruel. Mum, Dad, auntie Tiffy, and I have Japanese heritage, thus, sushi would be better used to feed us than Paula or Daniel. I hope they consider us the next time they decide to have sushi for dinner.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Chewing Bones
I am too busy to write much today, I am chewing bones.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Candy Bears
Tonight I got to taste small sweet candy bears. Me like! I didn't realize that there were such good tasting candy before. Dad didn't like them but he don't like my friend "the Bear" either so I wasn't that surprised. Mum, auntie, Primus and me ate them instead. It was a good thing that Dad didn't want any though we got a bigger amount of candy bears. My Dad is really nice and sweet to me.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Another Long Sunday Morning Walk
We were out on an hour long Sunday morning walk this morning, just like last Sunday, Daniel, auntie Tiffy, Dad, Mum, and I. This time we explored other parts of the neighbourhood, not towards the centre of the city but out where there is a farm with horses. There were not many horses, we saw only one, but there was a Jack Russel Terrier who barked at us when we walked by. Tiffy barked back at the Terrier once, except for that, we did not care.
I liked the walk and hope Daniel wants to turn this into a Sunday tradition. Mum did not like it. Just like last Sunday, she was the one most anxious to get home as soon as possible. In this aspect, I am certainly not my Mother's daughter. I hope I will be as good a Mother as she has been, though.
I liked the walk and hope Daniel wants to turn this into a Sunday tradition. Mum did not like it. Just like last Sunday, she was the one most anxious to get home as soon as possible. In this aspect, I am certainly not my Mother's daughter. I hope I will be as good a Mother as she has been, though.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
I came along when Paula and my Pharao Hound friend Primus went to a dog show outside of Stockholm. Primus was the one who competed, it was a small official dog show and he competed as a pup. He became Best of Opposite Sex-pup in his breed, whereas the Best of Breed-pup went on to become Best in Show-pup. This must be regarded as a good result for Primus.
This afternoon was important for the Örebro football team Örebro Sportklubb. They needed to win their game today in order to get back to the prime league of Swedish football. They did, too. Equaly important was that their greatest opponent in the fight for a place in the highest league lost its game. Daniel does not think this is such a big deal. He is from Stockholm and a fan of the Stockholm team Djurgården. Dad and I like the Örebro team, however, because they play in black and white colours, almost like the furs of us black and tan Shiba Inus. We are glad they made it back to the highest league.
This afternoon was important for the Örebro football team Örebro Sportklubb. They needed to win their game today in order to get back to the prime league of Swedish football. They did, too. Equaly important was that their greatest opponent in the fight for a place in the highest league lost its game. Daniel does not think this is such a big deal. He is from Stockholm and a fan of the Stockholm team Djurgården. Dad and I like the Örebro team, however, because they play in black and white colours, almost like the furs of us black and tan Shiba Inus. We are glad they made it back to the highest league.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Daniel Has Got a Cold
Daniel does not feel well. He is coughing a lot and feels more tired than he usually does. He claims it is just a cold and that he will be well in a couple of days. I think it is wise of him to take it easy this weekend to be well until next week. When a dog coughs, it can be really serious. It is called Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis or kennel cough, and is one of the diseases all dogs get vaccinated against. Thus I was very concerned when I heard Daniel cough. However, I have to trust him when he says a human can cough a lot and it is still just a relatively harmless cold.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I was watching the World Champions in Gymnastics on TV. Some of the competitions are aired live on Eurosport from Aarhus in Denmark. The interesting thing is to try to figure out how they do all the special effects needed to make humans look like they are flying, turning around in mid-air, making multiple twists and flips et cetera. It got to be advanced technical equipment doing this, especially since the competitions are broadcasted live.
I guess you have sometimes seen documentaries on how they make these kinds of special effects in motion pictures, when they let actors look like they are flying by hanging in small threads, invisible in the final movie. My educated guess is they use the same technique in gymnastics. I tried to see the threads in the Gymnastics World Championships, but I never caught any with my eyes.
There must be other special effects used as well. I really would like to see a documentary on how they do this when it comes to gymnastics. Maybe Eurosport will have a documentary like that after the final day of the Championships on the 21st of October. I have to keep my eyes open for it.
I guess you have sometimes seen documentaries on how they make these kinds of special effects in motion pictures, when they let actors look like they are flying by hanging in small threads, invisible in the final movie. My educated guess is they use the same technique in gymnastics. I tried to see the threads in the Gymnastics World Championships, but I never caught any with my eyes.
There must be other special effects used as well. I really would like to see a documentary on how they do this when it comes to gymnastics. Maybe Eurosport will have a documentary like that after the final day of the Championships on the 21st of October. I have to keep my eyes open for it.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Pug
A new dog has moved in to our home. It is a cute pug whom I have already played with a lot. He is nice and quiet, he comes along on everything I want to do. It would be strange otherwise, considering that he is a teddy dog. He cannot object to my ideas. I like him.
You can see a picture of me and my pug on the front page of our kennel homepage. I like the picture. The only sad thing about that is that the nice picture of Mum as a young girl, which I wrote about as late as yesterday, is not there anymore.
You can see a picture of me and my pug on the front page of our kennel homepage. I like the picture. The only sad thing about that is that the nice picture of Mum as a young girl, which I wrote about as late as yesterday, is not there anymore.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Mum When She Was Young
Let me suggest a visit to our kennel homepage. There is a picture there now of my Mother when she was a young girl. You can see she was beautiful already in 2000. She was one year old back then, about the same age as I am now. This is strong evidence I come from a great line of bitches. I hope I can live up to this. I actually believe I can, but you can never be really sure.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Dark Morning
The mornings are getting darker. It feels like it is too early to get up when it is still dark outside. The other dogs and I feel like we must fulfill our duties to Daniel and come along on the morning walks with him. We managed to go on morning walks in the dark all of last winter, so I guess we can do it this winter as well. It is just that it would be nicer to sleep when the Sun has not risen yet.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Long Walk
I had planned on writing in my blog after the evening walk yesterday, but Paula had already turned the computer off for the night when I got back home. To be honest, though, I had no great subject to write about, only some lines about the Saturday being a day when we took it easy.
This morning, Mum, Dad, auntie Tiffy, Daniel, and I took a long walk. We are usually out for about half an hour even on weekdays, but today we went further and were out for a full hour. It is nice to discover new parts of town and we have a terrific, sunny autumn day as made for long walks. I really enjoyed it. Mum, who never likes long walks, was the one who wanted to go home first of all. I am glad we did not turn and take the usual morning walk route that she wanted us to take. It is also much sweeter to take a nap after a really long walk than after a normal one.
This morning, Mum, Dad, auntie Tiffy, Daniel, and I took a long walk. We are usually out for about half an hour even on weekdays, but today we went further and were out for a full hour. It is nice to discover new parts of town and we have a terrific, sunny autumn day as made for long walks. I really enjoyed it. Mum, who never likes long walks, was the one who wanted to go home first of all. I am glad we did not turn and take the usual morning walk route that she wanted us to take. It is also much sweeter to take a nap after a really long walk than after a normal one.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Anonymous Critizism
There is an anonymous person who has written in our kennel's online guestbook. She has been really rude and seems to have a strange concept of what we really say on the kennel homepage.
I cannot understand why you would want to critizise anyone while being anonymous. What is the point? What does she think she can gain from such critizism? If I want to critizise anybody, I face him or her face to face and growl or bark. If I would critizise anyone publicly online, I would never do it anonymously, I am not a coward. However, I believe most critizism should be delivered between four eyes. Since the person critizising our kennel is anonymous, I cannot growl, bark, or send a personal e-mail to her, so I have to write down my thoughts in this way. I hope we don't get any more rude posts in our guestbook.
I cannot understand why you would want to critizise anyone while being anonymous. What is the point? What does she think she can gain from such critizism? If I want to critizise anybody, I face him or her face to face and growl or bark. If I would critizise anyone publicly online, I would never do it anonymously, I am not a coward. However, I believe most critizism should be delivered between four eyes. Since the person critizising our kennel is anonymous, I cannot growl, bark, or send a personal e-mail to her, so I have to write down my thoughts in this way. I hope we don't get any more rude posts in our guestbook.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Sold Flat
As I have mentioned before, Paula and Daniel have bought a house, so we will move in November. Today, they sold the flat we live in now. I have mixed feelings about this. It will be nice to have a huge garden to play in at the new place, but I will no longer live in the place where I was born. My brothers Jiro and Kiko will never be able to come back here either. On the other hand, I am the only dog I know who has never moved from one place to another. I know that I am not the only dog staying at the kennel where he or she was born, but every dog friend of mine has at least moved from the kennel where they were born to a new human family. It will be interesting to see what it is like to live in a new place.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Trekking in the Deep Forests
I went along to Daniel's work today. It started out as a normal day at the office, Daniel at the desk and I on the floor. In the afternoon, though, we went by car out on the countryside, to the forested hills to the northwest of Örebro. There were about twenty people from the office and two dogs, myself and Grus.

Grus is the Welsh Springer Spaniel who works at Daniel's office much more often than I do, whose homepage I have a link to. It was nice to get to know him better, though it took me some time to get him to play with me.

We walked for about 5 kilometres on everything from narrow, rocky paths to wide gravel roads. There were many nice sights here and there. For most parts of our trek, we followed a brook. Grus wanted to get down in the water several times. As the more sophisticated Shiba Inu that I am, I carefully avoided both the brook and the mud that sometimes lay in the middle of the way.
After little more than half the way, we took a break were there was a nice view over a pond. The humans ate sandwiches and I had some dog food and salami treats.
It was a nice walk, but when we got back to the cars I eagerly jumped in to our car and laid down to rest for the ride back to Örebro.

Grus is the Welsh Springer Spaniel who works at Daniel's office much more often than I do, whose homepage I have a link to. It was nice to get to know him better, though it took me some time to get him to play with me.

We walked for about 5 kilometres on everything from narrow, rocky paths to wide gravel roads. There were many nice sights here and there. For most parts of our trek, we followed a brook. Grus wanted to get down in the water several times. As the more sophisticated Shiba Inu that I am, I carefully avoided both the brook and the mud that sometimes lay in the middle of the way.

It was a nice walk, but when we got back to the cars I eagerly jumped in to our car and laid down to rest for the ride back to Örebro.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Flying Doctors
There are reruns of the old Australian TV show The Flying Doctors on one of the TV channels we have. Auntie Linni likes it, in part because her father is from Australia. She knows it is a fictional show, but she still thinks she learns a little about her father's home country. Both Linni and I like the nice English they are speaking.
Mum, on the other hand, doesn't like their way of talking, since she is used to American English. Mum also thinks American TV-shows are the only ones worth watching. Linni and I don't care, it is Mum's loss, we say.
Mum, on the other hand, doesn't like their way of talking, since she is used to American English. Mum also thinks American TV-shows are the only ones worth watching. Linni and I don't care, it is Mum's loss, we say.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Curious About Paula's Exercise
Paula has bought something she calls an exercise card. She went away this evening to do some exercise. I wish I could have joined her, I was very curious about what she would do and she seemed to feel so good when she came home again. Perhaps I will be allowed to come along some evening. There's a saying that curiousity killed the cat, but I have never heard of it killing a dog.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
My friend Harley is now older than nine months old, so he will not be able to compete for Best in Show-Puppy titles anymore. However, he goes on to even more prominent victories. He won Best in Group in the adult classes today, competed for the adult Best in Show title ad became fourth.
It is too bad Harley is a Basenji dog. If he was a Shiba Inu, I would have wanted him for my husband.
It is too bad Harley is a Basenji dog. If he was a Shiba Inu, I would have wanted him for my husband.
Friday, October 06, 2006
My Friend in "Hundsport"
My basenji friend Harley is depicted in the latest issue of the Swedish Kennel Club magazine Hundsport, number 10 2006, p. 82. His picture is not as big as mine in the July/August issue. On the other hand, he has won many Best in Show-Pup finals, whereas I thought one such victory was enough.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Birthday Hike
It is auntie Tiffy's birthday today. Last time she had her birthday, I was such a little pup I did not understand what was going on.
Paula took Tiffy, Mum, and me for a long walk with Flexi leaches. Flexi leaches are fun, you can run longer back and forth in them since they are rolling in and out depending on how close to your human you are. Tiffy liked it, but as usual, I was the one who ran back and forth more than anybody else.
Tiffy also got to feast on meatballs and ham. The rest of us dogs also got some, so it was a good birthday not only for her.
Paula took Tiffy, Mum, and me for a long walk with Flexi leaches. Flexi leaches are fun, you can run longer back and forth in them since they are rolling in and out depending on how close to your human you are. Tiffy liked it, but as usual, I was the one who ran back and forth more than anybody else.
Tiffy also got to feast on meatballs and ham. The rest of us dogs also got some, so it was a good birthday not only for her.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Paula Has a Domain of Her Own
Paula has a own domain: http://www.shiba-faraohund.se. Eventually you can see my space on it along with her and Primus.
i think it is really good. BTW, can you see who's on the header (to the right)?
i think it is really good. BTW, can you see who's on the header (to the right)?
Monday, October 02, 2006
New Buildings
There will be new buildings erected in our neighbourhood. Mum is disappointed, they will build houses on the Field Mouse Meadow. This was were she had one of the best experiences of her life, when she found an inhabited field mouse dwelling and took care of the inhabitants. We are lucky Paula and Daniel has bought a house a bit further out from the centre of the city, were we will have a large lot to ourselves. Mum hopes there will be field mice living there.
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