Friday, September 01, 2006

At Work

I went with Daniel to his work today. It was interesting. I remember the room where they have their coffee breaks since I visited the place with my brothers as a small pup. Most of the time was spent in Daniel's office, were I helped him working on important cases. We took a lunch walk by the castle and the great square, this is close by in the centre of the city.

The most disappointing thing about my day at Daniel's work was that Grus, the dog who is often at the office and whose homepage I have a link to, was not there today. Grus lives with the humans Ylva and Pär, Ylva is the one working at the office. Today, Pär was at home and wanted to have the company of Grus. I understand that. What I did not understand was that Grus came to the office late in the afternoon, was Pär tired of him? Anyway, he was there for such a short time I did not get the chance to say hello to him. We will have to meet another day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grus var också ledsen över att han missade lunchprommisen med Hailey. Pär trodde att han underlättade för mig - som skulle till klubben på kvällen - genom att skicka med Grus in till stan. Vad han, av någon outgrundlig anledning hade glömt bort, var att jag ju var tvungen att handla på vägen hem från jobbet eftersom vi skulle ha gäster på lördagen och alltså ändå var tvungen att åka hem emellan. Det är inte alltid kommunikationen fungerar som den skall ;)