My readers are maybe wondering what boulettes are so I'll try to explain without drewling too much. Boulettes are tiny meatballs filled with smoked ham and cheese. Perfect bite size/bait size for me and Calvin at the dog show. The only stupid thing with these little baites from heaven is the commercial on tv. No one can hear what the voice on the tv-commercial is saying due to the fact that she is talking with a funny french accent. Well one good thing with this is that people don't know what boulettes are, so the risk of them beeing sold out at the market is slim.
As the reserve plan (one should always have a reserve plan) Paula fetched some sliced chicken filet. Yummie! I like chicken too so I'm planning for a mixed bait bag on Saturday. The prognose for the weather on Saturday is warm sunny summer heat. Yeah! If this is the fact I'll sure hope that Paula will take me and Calvin to the ice cream vendor and fetch us some ice cones.
*)Scan is one of northern Europe's largest food industries within meat, cured meats and convenience food.
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