Tuesday, November 07, 2006

We Have Been Very Busy

I have not been able to post anything in my blog for the last couple of days. We have been busy moving to our new house. There has been some difficulties along the way. First, the previous owner had not cleaned the house, so we could not start to move in until this Sunday afternoon, despite owning the house since last Wednesday. Second, the heating did not work, so Daniel had to get maintenance yesterday who got it working but realised the thermostat was not working. The heat works now, but until the thermostat is replaced, we cannot turn it, because the heat will turn of again. Third, the TV does not work, first Daniel had to go back to the store to replace the programme card which was malfunctioning, then Paula realised the remote control does not work, which means we cannot install the programme card and get the TV channels we have paid for. Fourth, the telephone company still has not installed our telephone line.

Nevertheless, it was a good feeling to wake up this morning in a house of our own. There are no more dog hating and generally disturbed neighbours living close by. No one can live close by, because our lot is so big. Now we can make noises while playing without being afraid we will disturb the neighbours. I believe that when all the troubles we have had at the start are over, we will have a wonderful life in our new house. It is quite possible it will feel even better than if there had been no troubles at all, now we know we can overcome anything (I and the other Shiba Inus knew this all the time, since Shiba Inus will always overcome anything, but Daniel and Paula know now).

Other happy news: Harley has come home again. He has not made a full recovery yet, but his chances look good.


Anonymous said...

Ja du, hailey. Det där med hus vållar tydligen våra människor en del bekymmer. Matte hade också problem med telefonen som inte ville fungera och värmen eftersom pannan kokade hela tiden i början.

Daily Hailey said...

Det är skönt att höra att vi inte är de enda som har haft problem, det tackar jag för.