Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Blogger

I have moved my Blogger account to the new Blogger. It is supposed to have more and better features, something which I will maybe look into in the days to come. No matter what features the blog program have, I think the main thing is that the blog posts are worth reading. I do believe many of my posts are worth reading, I have never heard any complaints.

We still don't have an Internet connection in our new house. I am at Daniel's work today, though, and borrows his computer to write this post. Daniel uses his computer a lot in his work, but not all the time.

Grus is also here. He said hello to me with a bark when I arrived this morning. I have to check the possibilities of getting his company on at least one of the walks today, that would be fun.


Anonymous said...

Jag visste inte att det var du som kom så jag skällde för säkerhets skull. Jag är ju ändå äldrehund på jobbet nu för tiden.
Det var en trevlig promenad tycker jag. Du är nästan lika vild och galen som en welsh. :)

Daily Hailey said...

Visst var det en trevlig promenad, trots det litet blöta vädret.

Jag tar din kommentar om att likna en welsh som en komplimang. Du är lika trevlig som en shiba och rött och vitt som pälsfärger
kan inte vara fel.