Friday, February 27, 2009

Old Friends

An old friend of Paula, Lina, came to visit us around noon today, with her husband and little child. Paula had a great time. It was a long time since they saw each other.

We all have a lot to thank Lina for. It was thanks to Lina's first Shiba Inu Kinya that Paula and Daniel discovered the Shiba Inu breed. I may be the one who has the most to thank for. Without Lina and Kinya, neither Mum or Dad would have come to live with Paula and Daniel and would never have met. Consequently, I would never have been born, neither would my pups.

There are so many small things in life that are necessary for later events to occur the way they do. It is fascinating to think about it, and almost a little scarry to consider that even the smallest thing in the past may have been a necessary factor for yourself to have been born at all.

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