Sunday, May 20, 2007


I got excellent critique and was second best bitch in the spitz hound specialty dog show today. This is good, I am definitely not dissatisfied with the result. However, the judge was not really good at Shiba Inus, he called me a black sesame, instead of a black and tan. If Paula has paid a lot of money to show me, one could at least expect the judge to know how to separate between the colours of Shiba Inus. This is why we, when reading the critique, sat like question marks: Huh?


Anonymous said...

Förstår dig helt och fullt. Det är därför jag främst håller p åmed agility istället. :)

Daily Hailey said...

Äsch, jag tror att enstaka agilitydomare också kan ha fel ibland. ;) Vår förvåning bygger ju på att sådana fel är så ovanliga.