Monday, August 28, 2006

Drive In and Drive Through

On rare occasions, Paula and Daniel buy hamburgers from hamburger restaurants to eat for dinner. I came along in the car when Daniel bought hamburgers from the Swedish hamburger chain Max today. According to the sign outside the restaurant, we were using the drive in, but it looked more like a drive through to me.

As far as I have understood, a drive in restaurant is one where you drive in and park on one of many parking lots by the restaurant, then get served and eat while sitting in your car, and back out and drive away. In a drive through (in Amerca often called drive thru), you drive by one window or microphone were you place your order, then go further ahead to another window where you pay and get your food, and drive off right away. Sometimes there is one window where you pay and another where you get the food. I guess the drive in is designed to be comfortable, while the drive through is designed to be as expedient as possible. It was the latter kind of service at the restaurant were we bought our hamburgers. Am I wrong, or are there people in charge of that Max restaurant who do not know the difference between drive in and drive through? I may have to investigate this further.


Anonymous said...

Det händer att min matte köper hamburgare på liknande sätt. Det händer oftast när vi skall åka och träna och matte har glömt att ta med sig en smörgås att äta på vägen. Det viktigaste för mig är inte [b]vad[/b] det heter utan [b]att[/b] jag får smaka. Hamburgare är en av mina favoriträtter, nämligen.

Anonymous said...

Rackarns. Något blev lurigt när jag skulle fetstila vissa ord. Mina tassar var nog lite stora för tangentbordet. Nåja, du fattar säkert min poäng ändå :)