Saturday, December 18, 2010

Electric Cars

There was a TV commercial that I watched today. It was about electrically powered cars, and said it is increasingly easy to use this kind of car, because more and more electrical outlets are put up where you can plug in your car and charge the batteries.

Daniel has told me the charging of electric cars is the great downside of them. Electric cars have to run on batteries, but you have to wait for a long time anytime you want to charge these batteries. I agree with Daniel, who says electric cars should be delivered with more than one battery, and designed so that these batteries could be switched easily. This would mean that you could have one battery at home to be charged when you use the other to drive the car, and when you get home, you switch batteries in an instant. If you go on a longer journey, you would not need outlets to charge your car, but just places where you can switch your battery for a newly charged one. Thus, you would not need to wait until your car would become charged again.

This idea should be easy to make real, but no car manufacturer has tried it yet, as far as I know. Maybe they have, and there are many downsides of it. If there are downsides, it would be interesting to know of them.

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