Thursday, November 06, 2008

Kuro II

My Dad is called Kuro. Paula and Daniel will get another black and tan Shiba Inu male soon, directly from Japan, whose name is also Kuro. We call him Kuro II. Dad will always be the first for all of us, perhaps especially so for me, his first-born daughter.

However, it will be interesting to meet this second Kuro. Rumour has it, he looks stunningly good. Not that looks is the most important, for me as a dog, smell is more important, but looks are not unimportant.


Anonymous said...

Åh, vad roligt med nytillskott i flocken. Blir det en valp eller en äldre hund?

Daily Hailey said...

Det blir en litet äldre hund. Läs gärna mer på!