Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Outrageously Short Sentence

A Dachshund owner left his Dachshund outdoors in December. The dog, who also suffered from malnutrition, eventually froze to death. The owner has now been sentenced to one month in prison for cruelty to animals.

While I consider the conviction a good thing, I believe the prison sentence is way too short. If the Dachshund would have been a human family member, the sentence would surely have been prison for life. I know that many humans do not believe that dogs have the same value as humans, but dogs are part of human life in a way that no other animal can ever be. The dog is the animal first domesticated by humans, we are who we are because of human breeding and the love between us and humans throughout the millenia. A human who is so cruel to his own dog that the dog dies, is - in my mind - as dangerous to society as any human killing another human. How can one month in prison be enough for that man?


Anonymous said...

Håller med dej helt och fullt!

Anonymous said...

Håller också med. Stackars hund.
Han skulle ha samma straff som om han låtit en människa dö.
Varför gjorde ingen något tidigare? Taxen hade ju skrikit på nätterna veckan innan. Blir knappast utmärglad på nolltid heller.