Monday, February 25, 2013

Perks of Being a Grandmother

While my daughter Polly takes care of her pups, I discover the perks of being a grandmother. You will get to know the pups when they start to develop a personality and being at their cutest, but you do not have to devote all that time to them that you do as a mother. I talked to my Mum about this, since she is already an experienced grandmother from all of my litters. I asked her if there were any downsides of being a grandmother, as opposed to being a mother, that she could see. Well, there was one. Mum pointed out that when you have pups of your own, your humans always give you more food and treats, in order for you to produce milk to the pups. Getting more food and treats is an upside of being a mother, that you do not have as a grandmother. Mum also told me, she has asked Paula and Daniel to grant her at least some amount of extra food and treats for her work as a grandmother. She has always been denied this, though. This is a little unfortunate, because if she would have gotten it, that would have set a precedence and I would have been able to ask for the same now. Well, all in all, being a grandmother is nice, anyway.

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