Monday, April 25, 2011

Chicken Breeding

We saw a documentary on TV today about an English woman in Denmark who tried, as an amateur, to breed chickens. It was rather weird. The lady did not seem to know much about hens before she started. When she was disappointed with the first cock, she just bought another cock and let him in with the other one. It was bound to be trouble, and it was, a cock fight. Fortunately, the fight did not result in blood shed. The breeder also did not seem to have any thoughts on what breeds her hens and cocks were, but let them breed freely despite stating they were of different breeds. I do not think she had any breeding programme. Actually, I do not think I would call her a breeder, I just use that word because I cannot think of any better. Are there no equivalents to the dog breeding kennel clubs when it comes to chicken breeding?

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