Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Horror in Real Life

Japan is over all a civilized country. However, they have a huge problem with humans abandoning their dogs. There are so many abandoned dogs, and too few humans willing to take care of these dogs, that the authorities have been forced to horrible action. They destroy the unwanted dogs who do not get new humans. This is done by loading the dogs into a mobile gas chamber, driving the dogs to a crematorium. The poor dogs do not know the horrible end that awaits them.

If you follow the link, you can watch a BBC news report about this. I have to warn you, it is horrible! In my mind, this is worse than any horror movie I have ever seen. It is even more terrifying, when you consider that it is true. I wish Japanese in general would take better care of their dogs. News reports like this make me afraid for the very country where Shiba Inus come from.

By the end of the report, though, there is a tiny hope for the future, as it seems like more and more of young Japanese are willing to take care of abandoned dogs. Let us hope for this!

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