Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Future and the Past.

My pups are exploring the world. We had a great day together. I tried to snitch their food but Paula and Daniel put an end to that, unfortunatly for me and fortunatly for the pups.

Paulas sister is in Thailand now and how much I would like to go with them I can't. I have my duties at home, as a stay at home mum. Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to tell Paula and Daniel to order some Thai food. We had a great dinner together while my pups were sleeping.

The night ended by the TV as we were watching Schindler's List. The holocaust is a dark piece of the human history. Thus, it is important to show the future generations so this could never ever happen again.

In a odd way, this Saturday started out with the future, my pups. It ended with the past, watching a movie about the World War II.

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