Sunday, June 15, 2008

Earthquake and Landslides

After the huge earthquake in northern Japan, after chocks and landslides hamper the rescue work. The earthquake measured 7.2 on the Richter scale and was felt in Tokyo, 400 km away. Nine humans were killed and several were injuried. As is often the case, there does not seem to be any reports on how many dogs may have been killed or injuried. When a major catastrophe like this happens in Japan, I am always especially concerned, since there are so many Shiba Inus in Japan. I am sorry for the killed and hurt humans, and their families, but just like the lives of humans are closest to most other humans, the lives of dogs are closest to me. I also hope there were not many dogs who lost their humans or had their humans injuried. We should be happy there are never earthquakes of this magnitude in Sweden.

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