Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Tennis Ball

There is a tennis court near our home. On the afternoon walk, we went by it and I found a tennis ball in the grass. I did not pick it up, but smelled a little around it. Then Aunt Linni came and picked it up instead. She carried it all the way home, despite repeated attempts from me to take it back. When we were home again, Linni laid down under a table and guarded the tennis ball with her life. After a long time, she grew tired of the ball, but then Dad came and took it. I picked a fight with Dad to get the ball, but Daniel did not like that and took the ball away from both of us. I do not know why Daniel would want it, all he did was to put it away high in the bookshelf. Was this just to stop my rightful aggression to get possession of the ball? I still want that tennis ball, I was the one who found it.

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