Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Lawn

The older you get, the more often you experience things which are not new to you. By this, I do not imply that I have experienced most things you can possibly experience in a lifetime, not even many things. I still have a lot of things and happenings to explore. Still, I am able to do some fun stuff I have done many times before. The thing is, with regard to my blog, that I have written about such fun stuff almost all the times I have experienced them. So I asked myself: what is there to add, when the most exciting thing you do in a certain day is something you have written about many times before? Then I realized that this is, in itself, a subject to write about in the blog, so I did. I hope you enjoyed reading it, I enjoyed thinking about these things and writing it down.

We visited Paula's parents today, I and the other shibas got to run around and around on their lawn. This was fun, as always.

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