Tuesday, February 28, 2006


It is the beginning of something called fast. It has nothing to do with speed, on the contrary, it is about not eating as much as usual and slowing down yor life before the greatest holiday: Easter.

In Brazil, they have a great carnival before fast. In Sweden, we have something much better during fast. It is derived from a plain bun which people were allowed to eat during fast, called semla (semlor in plural) from the latin word "simila" for white flour. However, people began hiding other food stuff inside their semlor. This has developed into the modern day semla, a bun with cardamom cut in a bottom and a top half, filled with almond paste and a lot of sweet, whipped cream. It is delicious!

From old tradition, this Tuesday is the first day to eat semlor. Then you can eat them until Easter.

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