Monday, August 04, 2014

One Hundres Years Ago

One hundred years ago, the First World War started. You could dispute the exact date of the start of the war. The first declaration of war was when Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia on the 28th of July 1914. Over the following days, Germany, Russia, France, Belgium, and The United Kingdom went to war, the latter on the 4th of August, exactly one hundred years ago today. Japan declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary a little later, on the 23rd and 25th of August, respectively. This was a time when every Shiba in the world still lived in Japan. The First World War was a tragedy, many humans, dogs, and other animals were killed in the war. Japan was on the victorious side of the war and gained islands which had been German colonies in the Pacific Ocean. Still, it would have been better if there would have been no war.

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