Friday, April 11, 2014

Hitler Mugs Not for Sale

A German furniture store chain started to sell mugs designed in China, with an image of a postage stamp of Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler and a swastika. The swastika is an unlawful symbol in Germany and Adolf hitler is, of course, a notorious historical dictator, the man behind the Second World War and the Holocaust. The chain has now stopped the sale and offered to buy back the mugs that has been sold, for gift certificates of a much higher value. The unsold mugs have beenn destroyed. The store chain blame a series of unfortunate circumstances.

I am disgusted by the whole story and cannot understand that nobody realised what was on the mugs, before they were put up for sale. I suspect neo nazis are interested in these mugs as collectibles. This will probably mean they will become valuable, however discusting they are.

The world never stops giving you surprises. This was an unpleasant one.

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