Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have heard that Charles M. Schulz, the creator and author of the comic strip Peanuts, had a way of coming around a lack of inspiration. Sometimes, he would just start to draw some of the characters of the comic strip, working out along the way what they were saying and doing. Thus, a joke could be made up.

When I write my blog, I believe that Iuse a similar method sometimes. If I do not have any idea what to write about, I just start to write anything. This often leads to some thought that is worth expressing to the world in the blog. In these circumstances, I often erase the first sentences, even though they led to the idea that I eventually wrote down. This is no loss. There must be hundreds of discarded words for every word that was ever published. I wonder how many peanuts comic strips that was started but never finished or published. There must have been a few.

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