Friday, February 11, 2011

Democratic Failure

Humans have this thing called democracy, in which everybody in a certain town, county or nation gets to vote on people, who will then rule until the next election. Democracy is not fool proof, though. In our home city of Örebro, there were cheating in the last election to the city council. There will now be a new election in the part of the city where the voting fraud took place.

Mum says it would be easier for humans to do as dogs do: let the alpha female rule. This is easy for her to say, who is the alpha female of our pack. I am not sure humans could be ruled that way. Over the years, humans have done away with many absolute monarchies, which may be the closest human equivalent to the dog alpha female form of government; it is only that absolute monarchs were seldom as benign rulers as dog alpha females usually are. We have to remember that humans are different from dogs and sometimes not as smart as we are. Well, this new election does not affect us dogs directly, anyway, so we do not have to be too concerned.

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