Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Watch Theft?

US President George W. Bush is visiting Albania in the south east of Europe. He is rumoured to have lost a wristwatch when greeting people in a crowd. He was first observed with a watch on his wrist, then the watch was suddenly gone. US officials deny that the watch was stolen.

No matter what happened to the watch, I hope Mr. Bush can keep track of the time by other means. I know how important humans think the exact time is, Daniel is constantly keeping track of the time, especially in the morning. Personally, I settle with the built in clock that we dogs have, that simply tells us if it is morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening, or night. Since we are on duty as pet dogs day and night, we don't need anything else. Perhaps Mr. Bush could try to do the same, Mum says that the President of the United States is also on duty day and night.