Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Taking the Laundry Outdoors

Daniel took some laundry out of the washing machine and hung it up to dry outdoors. He said we will save electricity and thus money when we do no tumble the laundry dry and that the clothes often smell better when they have dried outdoors in the sun and wind. When all the laundry hung outside, he went in and checked the weather on the Internet, to make sure no rain would fall on the clothes. I thought this was a rather backward way of doing things, I would have checked the weather forecast before I took the laundry outside. Daniel said, however, he had heard earlier in the day that the forecast said there would be no rain until tomorrow. He only wanted to get the last update on the weather front. When explaining it that way, I understood. Although Daniel is no Shiba Inu, he can be rather smart occasionally.

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