Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Walk in the Spring Sun and an Odd Sight

April, Paula, Daniel and I went to Paula's grandparents and took a walk in the warm sun of this spring day. Paula's Mother and Aunt were there to. It is always nice to do something different.

After this walk, Paula and Daniel took me and April by the grocery store. While Paula went in to buy groceries, Daniel, April, and I took a short walk through Brunnsparken, a fine park which is not yet so nice as it can be in the summer.

We saw an unusual wild animal in the park, a wombat. This is a little, brown, furry mammal about one metre long. It is always interesting to spot wild animals, especially those that are not common. If you are in the Örebro area, try to get to Brunnsparken in Adolfsberg, you may get to see the wombat.


Anonymous said...

Jag är rätt säker på att jag aldrig sett någon sådan. Matte och jag var också på promenad i lördags och vi såg massor av fåglar istället. Det var också kul men mest fokuserade jag på att simma så mycket som möjligt.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Vi gick på den lätta. VI läste det ju idag och tänkte inte ens tanken. Vad betyder förresten wombat på svenska?

Daily Hailey said...

Wombat heter faktiskt wombat även på svenska.

Tänk att jag kunde lura så smarta individer!