Thursday, April 08, 2021

A Negative Side of Automatic Payments

A man in Norway has been found dead in a flat last December, believed to have been dead since April 2011. He had been married and had children, but had obviously lived in such a way that neither if these had tried to hear from him in all these years.

The man’s bills had been paid automatically from his bank account, so no creditors had ever asked for him. This must be a negative side of automatic payments. The man would surely have been found earlier, if creditors would have searched for him.

It is a good thing the man had no dog, who would have suffered and died after the death of the man. Perhaps a dog abandoned by the death of its human would have barked and made other humans find out about the death, but this is not certain. If you have a dog, be sure other humans would ask for you. 

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