Saturday, October 31, 2020

All Saints

 This is a day when we commemorate our lost loved ones. 

Mommy have been gone for almost a year now. Daddy Kenny for many years. Grandmother Sunni and Grandfather Kuro even longer. Auntie Linni is also a lost loved one; not a relative, but definitely a loved one. I miss all of them, and others.

We make new friends throughout our lives, but we never forget old friends. I believe our hearts grow with each new loved one we get. We lose loved ones, but not our love for them. Love is one of the things that makes life worth living. Love is good.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Charging the Car

The new car can be run on electricity. We charge it with a cable from the barn. This is nice. I have never liked the exhaust fumes from cars and mopeds that run on petrol. 

We will have to see when the time comes for me to try the car out. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Terror Attack

Humans were stabbed with a knife in a church in the French town Nice today. This was probably an act of terrorism. More will be known in the days to come, I am sure.

We must never let the terrorists win. Long live the free society, where humans are equal and dogs are loved!


Throughout this day, I had this eerie feeling that I had forgotten to write any blog entry yesterday. I could not quite remember, however. Now that I open up the blog app, I can see that my feeling was a representation of a truth. I really did forget to write anything in my blog yesterday. Still, I cannot recall why this may have happened. The memory is strangely bad once in a while. I am glad this is not common.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Water On the Moon

There is water on the Moon, more than previously thought. This bodea well for future manned missions to the Moon.

Just like Mommy, I have a registered name which is inspired by the Moon. Mommy was always interested of the Moon. I guess I am as well, but there will be at least decades before dogs go there. It will not happen in my lifetime. It would be a sign of progress, however, when this happens.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Fish Pate

Paula made one of her signature dishes tonight: fish pate. It is really tasty, I know from previous times. It also smells great. However, I did not get any tonight. It was a bad night, that way. Paula and Daniel were both in a happy mode, so were many of theother dogs, I could not really be in a bad mood myself. Life has its ups and downs, sometimes at the same time.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Normal Time

We reset the clocks today. We do not have daylight savings time anymore, this year. This is good, it makes  for a few more mornings when our morning walks are in daylight.

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Paula and Daniel went cruising with the new car today. This was not just for fun. When you have a new car, you need to get to knowit, to be able to handle it in the best possible way. Cruising with a new car is, thus, something that is done in the name of traffic safety.

I wish I would have had the opportunity to come along on the cruise. It will be interesting to experience a ride in the new car. This is bound to happen, eventually.

Friday, October 23, 2020

New Car

We have a new car. It is not really ours yet, however. There was some issue with a tax return or something, that the seller would get. Bureaucracy can hamper you, it did this time. We will just have to see when the car can really be ours.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


We have had a lot of rain lately. It rained on our morning walk today.

It is not fun when it is raining and you are outdoors. We have to think of the good things about the rain, our well is filling up. Water is a necessity. It is just that I wish it would fall from the sky at night, when we are all indoors sleeping, anyway.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Affirmed Quality

The chimney sweep was here today. He was a nice fellow, not perplexed or affraid by us dogs.

The chimney was in full working order. The chimney sweep did take some ash away from the chimney, but not much. Now we can go on using the fire place. This is one more thing which is in order for winter. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


We have had a lot of ash in our fire place. Tonight, we cleaned this out. The chimney sweep will come tomorrow. It is good to have the fire place reasonably clean before the chimney sweep comes. When the chimney sweep has been here, we will be able to continue using the fire place for the whole winter. This is good.

Monday, October 19, 2020


Daniel is at the city council today and tomorrow. They are discussing the economy for the city and how the economy will be next year. This is important, but I believe it is really dull. Paula agrees with me. I am glad Daniel does not think so, though, because while it is important, it is good that some smart people think it is interesting. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Little Rest

Sundays are days of rest. We had a little rest today. All of us slept for longer than usual in the morning. For a while in the afternoon, Paula and Daniel went away for some errands, then all of us dogs could rest. It has been a good day.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Last Samurai

We watched the Hollywood movie The Last Samurai tonight. For being an American movie, I believe it gives a good image of 19th century Japan. I like it. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Killed Wolf, Saved Dog

At an elk hunt in the north of our county (Örebro län), a hunter had to shoot and kill a wolf. Authorities have investigated the case and found that the shot was justified. The wolf was attacking a hunting dog and the hunter shot to save the dog.

While the death of a wolf is always a sad event, I must also find the shot justified. A wolf should not attack another member of its species. If it does, killing the wolf is justified, if nothing else works in the heat of the moment. 

I am glad that the dog was saved. In a fight, both dog and wolf may have been mortally wounded. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Cats

We have had two kittens since last winter. They are almost young adult cats now. Both cats have become nice members of our family.

Cats are kittens for a longer time than dogs are pups. A cat is a kitten for twelve months, while a dog is a pup for nine months. It remains to be seen if our cats can ever be so mature as adults as all of us dogs are.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Covid-19 Reinfection

A man in the USA has become ill with covid-19 for the second time. This is very rare, but not unique. He is the first known person, however, who has become more seriously ill the second time.

The case raises questions on immunity and how certain it can be. People who have had the disease are therefore encouraged to still keep the same social distance as if they would not have been infected.

I hope there will be an effective vaccine soon. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

No New Beds

Rumour had it, we would get new beds today. The delivery lorry did not show up in the afternoon, though. I guess this was what Daniel talked to the store about in the morning. He told them Paula felt of a cold and did not want them to come. We have to wait for a week or so.

New beds are always nice. Paula and Danielhave often purchased new beds for us dogs. They have had the same beds for the,selves since before I was born, however. I think, since before Mommy was born. They deserve new, comfortable beds. 

We have to see what the new beds are like, once they come.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Just Another Day

There are days which just pass by, when it seems like nothing of any importance happens. This was such a day. It is not that I disliked this day, it just did not give me any special feelings at all. Ihope tomorrow will be a more exciting day. You are welcome back to the blog tomorrow, to see if there is anything more exciting that I can write about then. I do think it is. Truly uneventful days are not very common, fortunately.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

No Success in Nations League

Sweden has lost many games in Nations League in football now. This evening, the Swedes were defeated by Croatia, 2-1. 

We are disappointed that it does not work out better. Football is a great sport and we would like Sweden to be successful in it. Nations League is not very important, but the results still matter for more important tournaments. Any game affects the ranking, which in turn affects which team Sweden may face. With a higher rank, Sweden gets to face less formidable opponents. 

Hopefully, it will be better in the UEFA Euro 2020 campionship next year. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

One Week Old

Laura’s pups are one week old today.

There are times these days when I miss having pups of my own in the litter box. It was a feeling of satisfaction to take care of them, unparalleled by other feelings. I am very happy with other tings, but different things are satisfactory in different ways. 

It will be interesting when the pups are so old the rest of us can meet them.

Friday, October 09, 2020

Upcoming New Car

Paula will get a new car, another Mini, instead of the car which she had an accident in last Friday. The insurance company will pay for the difference. This makes us happy. I am looking forward to seeing the new car. I hope I will have a chance to ride in it soon, too.

Insurance may seem expensive, but imagine how much more money Paula and Daniel would have lost, had the car not been insured. It is almost as important to have a good insurance for your car, as it is for your dogs.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Fashion Designer Died

The Japanese fashion designer Kenzo Takada, often known simply as Kenzo, has passed away. He died from covid-19.

Humans are lucky that they can change clothes if they want to. They could all wear Kenzo clothes, looking a little more Japanese. Dogs need to be born of a Japanese breed. Shibas are, of course. 

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Quite Some Rain

This morning, we had 14 millimetres of rain in the rain-gauge. This is a fair amount. We also had some rain today. 

The well almost ran dry a little while back. We are happy for every millimetre of rain. I hope for a rainy autumn.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020


Black and tan Shibas are not fully black in the black parts of our coats. There are lighter hairs underneath, that shine through. The blackness of space is also not really, fully black, there is background radiation and stuff. The objects which are the mostly black we know, are black holes. This is because they have such a high gravity that not even light can escape them. (There is a theory that even black holes can emit some particles, however, but I am not quite sure how.) This year’s Nobel Prize in physics go to scientists who have proved the existence of black holes. As a black and tan Shiba, I like this. 

Monday, October 05, 2020

Too Much Damage

They called from the garage. Paula’s Mini Cooper is too damaged to salvage. The car was insured, but we will probably get a new car i stead of getting this car repaired.

I never get to go with this Mini Cooper. This makes me a little sad. Morran told me it was comfortable. I wouldhave liked to experience this myself. Even if we get another Mini Cooper, it will not be the same car. 

We willhave to see what happens.

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Cinnamon Bun Day

 The 4 October is celebrated as Cinnamon Bun Day in Sweden. Auntie Linni, a wise old Shiba, would have turned nineteen years old today, had she survived this long. She had a hard curled tail, something which is not optimal for a Shiba, if you read the breed standard. This kind of tail is sometimes called a cinnamon bun tail, because cinnamon buns are curled in the same way. Linni was not very fond of this coincidence, she did not like to be reminded ofher cinnamon bun tail every birthday. Nevertheless, cinnamon buns are quite tasty and Linni was a great old lady, so I think both deserves to be celebrated. Cheers to the memory of Linni and to cinnamon buns.

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Laura Got Pups

This morning, our friend Laura gave birth toher first litter. There were two healthy red male pups.

It is always nice to be able to greet new Shibas welcome to the world. This is the X litter of Aangenaam.

Car Crash

Late in the afternoon yesterday, Paula had an accident with her new Mini. The car ended up on its roof. Paula was taken to the hospital, but x-ray examinations showed shehad no broken bones. She came home the same evening.

Our local news paper reported from the accident on its web page, with a photography of the car lying upside down. It was interesting to read about it, but I would rather have read about happier news involving Paula and her car.

Paula went back to the hospital today for further examinations. She has a concussion and will stayhome from work for a couple of days. Other than that, she is fine. The car proved to be safe. We will have to see what the garage can make of the damages on it.

Friday, October 02, 2020


Seventy years ago today, the first strip of the comic strip Peanuts was published. One of the main characters of Peanuts is, of course, the Beagle Snoopy. Peanuts is a great comic strip and Snoopy is a great fictional dog. This jubilee is worth celebrating. 

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Technical Glitch

A technical glitch halted the trade at the Tokyo stock exchange today. Officials stressed that this was not caused by some malicious attack. Trade will resume tomorrow.

I believe, and I hope, the Tokyo stock exchange will come out of this with a reputation at least as good as before. Japan needs this. Shibas in Japan need this. Japan is a great country and should not get a bad reputation because of something like this. Do continue to trade in Tokyo, if you are used to do it.