Tuesday, November 30, 2021


My dear daughter Gertrud has been injuried. Apparently, she made a wrong calculation for jumping up in a bed, and hit her head. She went to a veterinarian today. The prognosis is yet a little unsure, but we will hear more as soon as Gertrud’s family knows more.

We all hope she will get well soon. 

Monday, November 29, 2021


It is really cold outdoors, about five degrees below zero. I do not really care, neither do the other Shibas. It has to be much colder than this for us to complain. The parking brake on Daniel’s car complain, however. It does not want to let go of the car. When we use the climate control, it losens up, but it is still annoying. Cars should work better than this. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Going Home

Hello, Gerstuhl here!

Finally, I got to go home. 

I like it at my breeders’, where also my Mum lives. Nevertheless, there is no place like home. Now I am home. Life is great. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021


My dear brother Nemo has been ill for a while. His family has done everything they could to make him feel well, but it has not worked out. He could not walk properly and could not get enough energy from the food. The veterinarian could not help him anymore. This, thus, has become his last day. I miss him! Rest in peace, Nemo.

Friday, November 26, 2021


It is Friday and Paula made pancakes for lunch.

Pancakes are actually a Thursday lunch tradition in Sweden, but it is tasty and I do not mind getting some on a Friday. This is especially true since we did not get any yesterday, despite the fact that yesterday was a Thursday.

Life is good when you get pancakes. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Late Morning

Paula worked in the afternoon today. She slept until late in the morning, and we joined her. It was nice, until Paula discovered she had allmosa overslept. She had to rush to get us out, herself ready, and get going. Then We had a calm afternoon at home. It is no trouble to rush now and then, if you can relax in between. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

New Prime Minister, Who Resigned

 Sweden got a new prime minister this morning. In the afternoon, the State budget proposed by the cabinet of her party and another party lost in the parliament. Then the other party of the cabinet decided to leave the cabinet. Thus, the new prime minister resigned. Politics can be complicated. I am glad I am not responsible. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Morning Rush

Paula and Daniel were in a hurry this morning. It is not that they had overslept, but Paula suddenly realised she had to be downtown by seven o’clock in the morning. We had time to go out before they left, but it was by a narrow margin.

I am not sure what it was Paula had to do, but I hope she got there in time. It would be a waste to hurry, if she did not. 

Monday, November 22, 2021


We had an open fire in our store tonight. This is cozy. It gives us heat and a fascinating thing to look at. I am glad my wolf ancestors decided to side with humans and their ability to control fire. Fire is a good thing, properly managed, and our humans know how to manage it. Life is good.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

No Journey Home

Hello, Gerstuhl here!

At first, the plan was that I would go back home last Sunday. However, my family at home suffered from bad stomach. Then the plan was that I would go back home today, but Daniel and Paula caught a cold.

The new plan is that I will go back home next Sunday. I like it here with my breeders and the other dogs, but there is no place like home. I look forward to next Sunday. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021


Daniel has a cold. He coughs a lot, and rests a little more than the average Saturday. He has still gone grocery shopping and done some laundry. Daniel is annoyed with the ordinary view that men feel close to death from a common cold. He says he does not and that when he grew up, his father never did. I do not accuse Daniel of faking feeling close to death, but I understand his view. On a Saturday, you may rest, nevertheless.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Paula’s Niece

Paula’s niece Nadja celebrated her birthday today. She turned five years old. Our Chihuahua friend Piffy was specially invited by Nadja and came along with Paula and Daniel, when they went there for the party.

While I enjoyed staying at home, I was told it was a nice party. I would like to congratulate Nadja here in the blog instead. Congratulations, Nadja! 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Reconstructing Notre Dame

Two years ago, the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris burnes down. Work is in progress to reconstruct it. This is good, cathedrals are awe inspiring buildings that we need. 

Here is a nice article about reconstructing it. There is a lot of work reconstructing a building many centuries old, but I think it can be done. It has been done before. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Later Moon Landing

The US space agency NASA has postponed the next planned manned Moon mission from 2024 to 2025. 

It excites me to know that there will be new Moon missions. However, I am afraid will not live long enough to watch the news about them as they happen. For a dog like me, whose name is Full Moon Eclips, this is a little sad. I wish grandpups of mine will be able to follow the news, at least.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Alarm Clock

We had gone to bed a while ago tonight, when Daniel realised he had not put on the alarm for tomorrow morning on the alarm clock. He had to get up and do this. This made a disturbance in the harmony in the bed. On the other paw, it would have been a greater disturbance tomorrow, if we would have overslept. Harmony is restored now. 

Daniel always keeps the alarm clock at a distance, so he has to get out of the bed to turn it off. This makes him avoid the risk of turning the alarm off and just go back to sleep. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

More to Go for the World Cup

Sweden finished second in its qualifying group to the FIFA football World Cup next year. This was not just due to the loss versus Spain yesterday. It was worse that Sweden lost against Greece and Georgia in the away games. At least Georgia is so much lower in ranking than Sweden, that Sweden should have won. Now we have to hope that Sweden succeeds through the play off games among the teams that were second in their groups. We hope this will happen.

Sunday, November 14, 2021


Hello, Gerstuhl here!

The plan was that I would go back home to my own family today. However, there had been illness and fever there. We all agreed that Paula, Daniel, and I will go there next weekend instead.

This means that I will stay with my breeders and the other dogs here for another week. This is good, but there is no place like home. I long to get home. On the other paw, if you wait for something great, you never wait for too long. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021


Hello, Gerstuhl here!

This evening, Paula and Daniel went away to a party. They were eating goose. 

I would also like to taste goose. Not that I know, but I believe it is tasty. It is meat, after all. Meat is always tasty. It is not that I was hungry or anything, but I am always open to try meat. 

We will have to see if there can be goose some time in the future. 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Coming Home Early

Daniel was away this Friday night, as he occasionaly is, as a member of an Order where they have meetings Friday nights. He usually come home late, past midnight. This night, he arrived home early – at least relatively speaking. He came home when the clock had not yet turned eleven in the night. We were happy that he came home before the rest of us had already put our lights out and went to sleep. It was a good Friday night.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

New Airline

A new airline will open with regular flights between Örebro and London. This is great. London is one of the biggest cities in Europe. If you can go there, you can also continue to most of the rest of the world. 

Peanut is more happy than the rest of us. He was born in England and believes England is the centre of civilisation. If you go to England, why would you need to continue, he asks. 

I believe that if there is a centre of civilisation, it might be Japan, where the Shiba breed is from. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

No Winter Yet

At the start of this week, we allmosa had freezing degrees. There was frost on the groende in the mornings. Today, however, the mild and rainy autumn has returned now.

Daniel is pleased, because he has not had time to change to winter tyres on the cars yet. 

Rain is always good for the water level in the well. 

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Unfunctional Router

Our router does not work properly. We cannot watch TV or use the wifi. 

We suspect that one of the cats have rested on the router once again, pushing the wrong buttons. While we love our cats, we do not like everything they do. When they disturb the communications channels, it is bad. 

We have to see what can be done about the router tomorrow. 

Monday, November 08, 2021

Late Monday Night

It is Monday night, work day tomorrow, but Daniel came home really late. He was satisfied with the evening, but sorry that it had become so late. 

If I were to decide, we would often have early nights and late mornings. Resting and sleeping in the bed is just the best thing you can do.

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Dog TV

In some countries, a special TV channel has been introduced which specialises in shows for dogs. I am not sure of this is necessary. Nature shows on TV can be entertaining, but other than that, I do not think I would ever care, even though the channel would be made for dogs. Life is good as it is, without very much TV.

Perhaps this channel would be good for dogs who are alone when they are at home. We never are, but have each other. 

I guess we will get to know of this channel will be a success. 

Saturday, November 06, 2021

Cutting Claws

Paula cut the claws of the Chihuahuas tonight. They were not happy about it, but it was necessary.

I can understand the hesitation, when you are about to get your claws cut. It is not nice. There is always the risk that the cut goes a little too deep. I was relieved that it was just the Chihuahuas who got their claws cut. Necessary or not, it is better not to have to have the claws cut.

Friday, November 05, 2021

Return to the Hospital

Hello, Gerstuhl here!

After a week and a half, I returned to the hospital where I had the Caesarian on Tuesday last week. My scars looked good, I had healed well.

I had not expected anything but a quick and full recovery. Shibas are healthy and strong dogs, we endure most hardships. It is still good to have a human from the hospital staff to observe me and conclude that everything looks good.

From what I hear, the pups are doing well, too.

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Occupied Bed

While most of the dogs here at home share the bed with Paula and Daniel, I use the space of the sofa next to the bed. It happens that I say the bed is occupied. I think I could find a place to sleep in the bed, but I prefer to have the sofa on my own. 

Do remember that if your bed is occupied, there might be a sofa close to it where you get much more space to sleep.

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

No Time To Die

Paula and Daniel went to the cinema to see the latest Bond movie tonight. As dogs, we are not allowed in the cinema, so we have to wait to see it. However, we were told a bit about the movie when Paula and Daniel came home. They said it had some good action scenes, but that it was still not as good as many other Bond movies. I guess they cannot all be as great as others. 

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Early Night

We went to bed a little earlier than usual today. I like this. Getting a good night’s sleep is underestimated as a means to feel good.

It will be a good night.

Monday, November 01, 2021

Petting Me

Hello, Gerstuhl here!

Daniel tried to write on his Ipad, but I wanted to be petted. My wish won, Daniel petted me. I cannot understand why anyone would rather write on a mobile device, than petting their dog. 

Indeed, it is like Daniel says: petting your dog is never a waste of time.