Monday, May 06, 2019

Lost Idea

There are times when it is time for me to write a blog post, and I have this nagging feeling that I have had a great idea for a blog post earlier in the day, but just cannot recall what it was I thought I would write about. This affects me most of all. I also like to think, however, it affects you, my dear readers. If there were great ideas for blog posts, but these were forgotten, you lose the ideas just as I do. There may be times when I find an old idea again, and the blog post comes to be. Other times, the idea keeps eluding me. I am not sure I ever had the idea, but there is still a feeling I did have it.

I believe I lost a good idea today. I hopeit will come back to me. Otherwise, odds are I get other ideas worth writing about. Either way, I hope you stay tuned. Whatever happens with my ideas, blog posts will keep coming.

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