Monday, June 09, 2014

Raised Petrol Taxes Hurts Dog Breeding

The Swedish government institute that works with economical prognoses. Konjunkturinstitutet, has published prognoses on what has to be done to make Sweden fulfill its goals on lowering emissions of carbondioxide and other greenhouse gases. One of the ways to get there, is to raise the carbondioxide emission taxes substantially. This would make the price of petrol (or diesel oil) much higher.

What worries me about this, is that a much higher petrol price will have a detrimental effect on the Swedish dog breeding. Dog breeders often live in the countryside and need cars. They often have to bring their dogs long distances to go to dog shows and other dog competitions to make their dogs champions, thus proving their worth as breed dogs. Then the breeders often have to travel far to get their bitches to male dogs for mating. Many dogs are large, and so the dog breeders need large cars that consume relatively large amounts of petrol. With higher petrol prices, all of these journies would become more expensive.

Dog breeding is already an expensive hobby, most people lose money on it despite the high prices for pups, but they do it for the love of the dogs. At the same time, dogs contribute very much to society, so dog breeding is very important for society. If the carbondioxide taxes would be raised, I wish there would be an exception from the raised taxes for dog breeders.

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