Thursday, May 22, 2014


The Japanese are fond of everything cute. Shiba pups are evidence of this: the cutest pups of any breed, and the breed is a traditional Japanese breed. In modern day Japan, the love of cuteness sometimes crosses the border of what can be defined as fine art, such as fine paintings, haiku poems, cherry blossoms and Shiba pups. These over the top cute things are often called kawaii. The latest kawaii craze is called hamuketsu. It is just the thing that the Japanese word litteraly means: hamster bottoms. People get crazy over pictures of hamsters seen from behind. Many books of such pictures are sold. I can see why this is called kawaii. Had the craze been over pictures of Shiba pups from behind, it would have been cuter, but also fine art, thus not kawaii. The Japanese society sure is fascinating.

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