Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Strange Things Happen

We had a strange experience on the morning walk today. Part of the walk is always along a road with regular traffic. This time, a car braked close to us and stopped by the side of the road. We were curious, wondering if the driver or passengers were people we knew. As we came a few steps closer, we saw that this was not the case. We could not remember seeing the driver or the child in the back seat before. The child stared at us, not happily, as a child who loves dogs, but just a stare with his mouth open. Then, just as suddenly as the car had stopped, it started to move again. It did not get away directly, the driver was not experienced enough to get the car rolling sooner than at the third attempt.

We do not know what this was all about. Did they just want to watch us dogs? As I wrote, they did not look happy, the way people do who watch something they find cute. I guess it will remain a mystery.

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