Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More Annoying Technology

Hello, Karstuhl here!

Daniel read my blog entry from yesterday, and said there is one thing about modern technology that annoys him very much. It is the function that automatically adds an empty line after a paragraph when you press ENTER on the keyboard. Of course, this function is optional, but Daniel says he is especially annoyed with it anyway for two reasons. The primary reason is that his e-mail program at work sometimes reinstates this function by itself. I can understand why this is annoying. The secondary reason is that he cannot understand who would ever want this function. Sure, you can press ENTER one less time after each paragraph, but then, you are often used to doubleclick on ENTER anyway. I do not really care for this secondary reason. As long as the function is optional, who cares if nobody wants to use it? Oh, well, we all are annoyed with different things in life.

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