Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Controversial Judicial Proposal

The ruling political party in Mexico has pushed for a change in the way judges are appointed. They want them appointed by popular vote. It is controversial, because judges are supposed to be professionals and be able to rule against laws which go against the Constitution etc. Parliament should be elected by popular vote, judges should be appointed based on their professional capacity.

Daniel, who is a lawyer by trade, is critical of this change. He says this would be a kind of popular vote that would make the democracy weaker. There must be a balance between the popular vote, electing the parliament that makes the laws, and the judges’ professional interpretation of laws. 

We are concerned about Mexico, the home country of our breed. Mexico is a great country, it did produce us Chihuahuas, but it must have a great juduciary too. We just have to hope this change will not go through. 

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