Friday, September 20, 2024


It is autumn and the mornings are getting colder. We had a fire in the morning, it was nice.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Bed Control

Our bed can be raised and lowered by electric motors. These are controlled by apps in mobile telephones. 

Daniel got a new work telephone today. He had the appen his old work telephone. Tonight, he downloaded the app again. Downloading the app to the telephone was no problem. Connecting the app to the beds were a different matter. Daniel struggled with this for a long time, cursing angrily at the app, which he called illogical. Eventually, however, he managed to get everything to work. Then he turned into his ordinary, happy self again. We were all happy it worked. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


It has been some cold nights and mornings. Even though it has been warm outside in the afternoon, this has made it colder even indoors during the nights and mornings. This morning, Daniel turned on the heat for the season. We will have to see for how long the heat will be turned on. Perhaps it will be all the time until spring next year. It feels good to have warm radiators. 

Monday, September 16, 2024


Both Paula and Daniel have had coughs today. They have had colds. 

Daniel has been able to work from home. Paula had to call in sick, it would not do to have a nurse coughing in front of her parents. 

The good thing is that the whole family has been at home. This is always something we dogs like. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A Walk in the Sun

We took a Walk in the afternoon sun, Paula, Daniel, Pepe, and I. It was quite nice. It is amazing that we can have such great and warm autumn afternoons in Sweden. The autumn air smelled fresh and crispy.

Our country lies so far north on Earth, yet we have a nice and fairly warm climate. It could not be this warm on these latitudes straight north of Mexico, where Chihuahuas are from, or straight north of Japan, where Shibas are from. We like it here. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Orange Went Home

This afternoon, Orange went home again. Her humans had come home from a journey overseas, and Orange could come home from her holiday at our place. She made a great contribution to our family, so t is a little sad that she left, but I can understand that she wanted to go home. Paula and Daniel said she was very happy when she got home.

We will have to see if Orange will visit us again. I would not mind. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

No Preparations

Both Paula and Daniel were supposed to go and help construct the dog show ground today. Eventually, only Daniel went. Paula told us she was too tired from work. It must be an exhaustive work she has these days. 

The good thing was that we got to have Paula’s company at home. 

The plan is that they will both go to the dog show tomorrow. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Paula gave us some ground beef pieces today. I got hold of the largest piece. I may be small, but I have got nothing against eating big pieces of tasty beef.

This beef was made of minced meat and a tasty blend of spices. It was great. I will have to remind Paula to get us this kind of beef again. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Preparations for Another Dog Show

There is a dog show this Saturday. Daniel worked with the preparations almost all evening.

We hope that the dog show will be a success. I will not go there, I rather stay at home, but there is no reason I would not hope for the best. 

This time, it is an unofficial dog show. It is still important. The preparations are bound to be good. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Peaches from the Fukushima Region

Peaches are now sold in London, at Harrods, from the Fukushima region in Japan. This is in an effort to restore trust in produce from the region after the Fukushima nuclear power plant was destroyed by the tsunami of 2011. 

I am sure Hailey and Polly, who were the former writers of this blog and of the Japanese breed Shiba, would have wanted me to write about this. 

Not all of the toxic waste from the power plant is taken care of, but work is in progress. I am sure the Japanese will manage. 

Monday, September 09, 2024

Chopping Wood

When Daniel came home from the office this afternoon, Paula was still tired from her work. She said she just wanted to rest for an hour. Daniel accepted this and went out to chop some wood in the meantime. This summer, he has chopped a lot of wood. He still must think it is not enough. I wonder if he knows something about the upcoming winter, or if he is just taking precausions. I would assume the latter. We cannot know about the winter weather yet, as far as I know. However, even with a mild winter, iris nice to have wood. You can also save wood until the winter after the next. There is not many downsides to chopping wood, I guess. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

At a Restaurant

Hello, Orange here!

It feels a little strange to be back where I was born and lived my first few years, after the years with my present family. Not bad, fairly good, but strange. 

This evening, I got to go with Paula and Daniel to a restaurant. We sat on the porch by the restaurant in the warm and sunny weather. I got to taste some meat. It was a good time. 

The worst thing was that there was a construction worker doing something with the building across the street, and this made a huge noise. We wondered why he worked so late on a Sunday evening. It did not last the whole time we were there, though, and it gave us omething to talk about. What annoys you a little, will at least make life less boring. 

Saturday, September 07, 2024


Paula and Daniel was away a lot today, celebrating Paula’s mother’s birthday.

Earlier in the week, Paula said she would bring Orange to the birthday celebration. She didn’t. Orange told us it was just as well, she rather stayed here, now that she cannot be home for a week. I agree, I also rather stay at home. When Paula and Daniel came home, they told us they had had a great time. Still, there is no place like home. 

Friday, September 06, 2024


Orange came home to us today.

Orange is a Shiba from Paula's and Daniel's breeding. She is nice. We will get to know her better.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Locked Door

Daniel was at a meeting this evening. Meanwhile, Paula and us dogs went to bed, because it was getting late. Before she went to bed, Paula locked the door. She forgot the key in the lock, so when Daniel came home, he could not unlock and get in. He had to bang on the door to get Paula to go and open the door for him. It could have been more pleasant than it was with those bangs on the door. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Controversial Judicial Proposal

The ruling political party in Mexico has pushed for a change in the way judges are appointed. They want them appointed by popular vote. It is controversial, because judges are supposed to be professionals and be able to rule against laws which go against the Constitution etc. Parliament should be elected by popular vote, judges should be appointed based on their professional capacity.

Daniel, who is a lawyer by trade, is critical of this change. He says this would be a kind of popular vote that would make the democracy weaker. There must be a balance between the popular vote, electing the parliament that makes the laws, and the judges’ professional interpretation of laws. 

We are concerned about Mexico, the home country of our breed. Mexico is a great country, it did produce us Chihuahuas, but it must have a great juduciary too. We just have to hope this change will not go through. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Suicide and Killing

A 17 year old Japanese girl in Yokohama jumped of a tall building to take her own life. This would not be much of a story, if it were not for the fact that she hit another human down below. The other human, a 32 years old woman, also died. 

Why do some humans take their own lives? Dogs never commit suicide. I cannot understand why you want to take your own life. There are so many joys in life, like meatballs. I would never need to take my own life 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Small Meatballs

There are times when Paula and Daniel buy meatballs, instead of buying the ingrediens and making them themselves. Factory made meatballs are often rather big, too big for us Chihuahuas. The other day, however, Paula bought some smaller meatballs. We got to taste these today. Both Pepe and I were very happy. These meatballs were just the size for us. We may be huge in spirit, but we have small bodies. Many small meatballs are better than a few large meatballs. 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Going Back with Things

Quite a few of the items that Daniel brought from the barn yesterday, he brought back to the barn today. Some things were left in the kitchen, but I guess all was not needed. If it just went back to the barn, I wonder why iris kept at all. Perhaps it would be better to just throw most of these things away? On the other paw, what do I know? Humans save so many things and I cannot always understand why. I believe it is better not to own so much, as dogs usually do.