Friday, July 30, 2021

Sweden versus Japan

This afternoon, we watched the quarter final of the ladies’ Olympic football tournament. Sweden played Japan. Since all of us Shibas usually root for Japan, but also forour home country Sweden, this called for a heated debate. Peanut, who counts England as his homeland, where he was born, decided to root for Japan. Laila, our Poodle friend who was born in Japan, sided with Peanut. Javier and I rooted for Sweden. 

Eventually, Sweden won, 3-1 (1-1). None of us were deeply disappointed.

Peanut was, however. disappointed that Australia won her quarter final versus Great Britain. As an English dog, he rooted for the British team. For him, it was a small comfort that Australia has the same Queen as Britain has. It is still a sovereign country, as he pointed out, not a British colony or dominion anymore. Nevertheless, this result will call for all of us to root for Sweden in the semi fonal versus Australia, which is not a bad thing. 

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