Wednesday, January 06, 2021


When I borrowed Daniel’s Ipad to write my daily blog post today, the battery was down to 17 %. I had to start by connecting it to a charger.

We live our lives through electronic devices in these days and ages. This is good, and bad. The good thing is that we can accomplish a lotof things through the electronic devices. Blog posts are just one of these things, The bad thingis that we are dependent on electricity. This would be very well, if we could just get electricity in an environmentally friendly way. Daniel says we cannot, because one of the political parties in the coalition that forms the government are more opposed to nuclear power, than they are opposed to getting electricity from sources like coal and oil, that polites much more and makes the climate warmer.

I am not sure I follow Daniel, when he talks about this. All I want is enough electricity to write my blog posts. Be that as it may, while Ihave written this blog post with the charger attached to the Ipad, it is up to 18 %. This is fine. 

Stay tuned for more blog posts.

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